When to choose brass exit signs

Why have ordinary white when a brass exit sign looks so much more refined. Emergency exit signs are just as an important part of a rooms décor as the room lights or the door handles.

A designer or owner will spend hours deciding on how they want the room to look, this is where a brass exit sign might make the room complete. White exit signs have their place, but what about restaurants, bars or hotel lobbies’, that is where a brass exit sign will complete the look and feel that the designer is going for.

Most exit signs are placed above a door. A good place to start is to know what the door colour will eventually be and what door furnishings are to be used. If they are going to be brass, then go for a brass exit.

X-ES3M in Brass
Brass hanging exit

Brass and Gold

Brass has a beautiful gold-like colour. It embodies warmth and luxury. Brass exit signs are a perfect fit for places that want the occupants to feel relaxed and calm, such as hotel lounge areas. Our brass exits go well with blues and greens used in bold blocks and organic textures. Brass can also be seen as gold, if you have a gold theme, then a shiny brass escape sign will compliment the look.

Brass combined with wood, looks sophisticated and stately and is used in many a country manor house that welcomes guests for the weekend. A white exit sign would shout out “look at me”. In the right settings the brass exit sign will blend into the room’s décor and almost disappear from view, just leaving the green sign itself.

Recessed exit sign in brass

Historically brass is associated with old world and traditional installations. But with modern trends brass can look great next to black or white used as feature. Whatever design you are creating, consider a brass exit sign.

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